Taxation is at the heart of NAS Avocat’s business, both for counselling and litigation.
Tax issues are the corner stones of the decisions taken by the business managers for the structuring of their professional activity and their personal assets; a relevant tax analysis should guide all actions related to the creation of companies or the development/reorganization of businesses or, where applicable, the transfer of the businesses.
The firm also acts in defense of the financial and property interests of the company and its managers in criminal business litigation and providing them with in-depth experience in French tax and criminal litigation.
Taxation is at the heart of NAS Avocat’s business, both for counselling and litigation.
Tax issues are the corner stones of the decisions taken by the business managers for the structuring of their professional activity and their personal assets; a relevant tax analysis should guide all actions related to the creation of companies or the development/reorganization of businesses or, where applicable, the transfer of the businesses.
The firm also acts in defense of the financial and property interests of the company and its managers in criminal business litigation and providing them with in-depth experience in French tax and criminal litigation.
What we do for you
French tax law and tax litigation
French tax law is Nas Avocat’s core practice, both in consulting and litigation. Because a relevant tax analysis is crucial for starting/expanding/reorganizing a business or, when necessary, passing on the activity, NAS Avocat will be able to advise and defend you effectively.
French business law and commercial
At every stage of their company’s life, executives and investors must take decisions in a complex and highly evolving regulatory environment that determine their future. Thanks to its extensive knowledge of entrepreneurship and its legal expertise, Nas Avocat assists and advises its clients towards the best choices.
French criminal tax law and business criminal law
Specializing in tax and business law, Nas Avocat has acquired a recognized expertise in the criminal defence of its most exposed clients, its technical approach to cases allowing to develop a very effective defence strategy before the criminal courts and at all stages of the proceedings.
Is French tax law just a mistery for you?
Doubts, questions, a litigation coming up… Do plan ahead, ask for advice and defend your rights
Our breaking news
Regulatory changes, latest case-law, legislative reforms or just drafting an opinion in relation with tax and legal news without claiming of being exhaustive, just a certain look at current events …
French tax resident: don’t forget your foreign bank accounts
French tax resident: don’t forget your foreign bank accounts Like several million French tax residents, you may have one or several bank